The Cranbury School Improv Ensemble began their rehearsals just last week. Student volunteers turn out for the ensemble has been wonderfully overwhelming, these kids love their improv!
We have had two rehearsals so far, with some returning members and some brand new, so much of our time the past two rehearsals have been spent reviewing "Oh! Pierre" cues. I have already seen an improvement in the students' ability to listen and react to what is happening in the ensemble, versus playing for playing sake. Students are definitely taking their time to make musical decisions that will influence the piece and are playing as an ensemble, instead of just following cues.
Next rehearsal I hope to have students call cues from the ensemble and possibly have a few student conductors lead. I think the following conversation outlines how important "Oh! Pierre" has become to these middle school students:
Student: Ms. D, I saw on the schedule we don't have a rehearsal in December. Why?
Me: I figured with the winter concert schedule and all of you being in so many ensembles we should have a break. Did I assume incorrectly?
Student: Can we have an "Oh! Pierre" rehearsal before break? I can't go an entire month
without playing!